
Fixed assets accounting and depreciation

March, 2016
proto$ gen IX mod 5B39AA (Ultima)
Using dia$par tools for fixed assets accounting, depreciation and amortisation. Due to human factor absence it is simple and reliable.

FA accounting is a topic where any unexpected creativity is redundant.
Like in a hammer’s design.

So the respective functional block is implemented quite as usual.

An accounting item’s typical life cycle consists of four stages:

  • purchase and entering in warehouse records;
  • release from warehouse into Fixed Assets;
  • depreciation;
  • write-off.

Purchase and entering in warehouse records are no different from similar operations with ordinary goods.

Release into FAs is executed by creating a document of the same title.

The document looks like a standard sales document.
From the latter it differs by the set of financial analytics whose purpose is clear from its title, and by a "FA Counterparty" — a specific person to be accountable for the printer (or coat hanger) — indicated instead of the buyer.

When a FA Release document is entered, dia$par will automatically create a new entry in the fixed assets directory:

A fixed asset accounting card (which is also a form for creating/editing a directory entry) contains information about the item’s asset number, initial value, current book value, depreciation calculation algorithm, etc.

Most of the card’s fields are filled in automatically in line with the general FA accounting business logic as defined by administrator.

Fixed assets are accounted for in the separate balance sheet register at their residual (after depreciation) book value.

FA depreciation is executed by dia$par on its own, using a "FA Depreciation" document that is created automatically (by default, on a monthly basis).

For each accounting item, dia$par generates a separate document that writes off part of its value into costs according to the settings of the depreciation algorithm chosen in the fixed asset’s card.

Finally, FAs are de-registered using a write-off document (which can be auto-generated after preset conditions are met).
The accounting item disappears from the FA register, and its residual book value is written off as costs.
The attainment of zero book value and FA write-off are not interconnected; dia$par can keep FAs depreciated to zero residual value accounted for, quantitatively, in their respective register.

A complete history for any FA or group of FAs can naturally be viewed at any moment:

That is about all: easy and convenient.

Being inside dia$par. Some stories
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