Error of the de-compression filter in the millstones of reference books and documents
translated automatically show original text 4 years
Open links in the tool to test web socket methods
translated automatically show original text 4 years
Filter type method in the testing tool web methods
translated automatically show original text 4 years
It is possible to create 2 web socket methods with the same name
translated automatically show original text 4 years
monitor sessions. Sorting by column real user ID
translated automatically show original text 4 years
In the form of a print layout to add the field code printed forms. If multiple forms with the same name - it is hard to look in the directory printed forms
translated automatically show original text 4 years
Quick transition to scripts from the strektrace window
translated automatically show original text 4 years
Improvements to the script editing form
translated automatically show original text 4 years
If you close the editing form with confirmation of saving while saving the document, a uniqueness error (document_pk)occurs
translated automatically show original text 4 years
When you close the main window, if you were prompted to save, the window will not be closed
translated automatically show original text 4 years