Mutual mapping advantages for business
After a digital model is created and the interchange of developments is implemented, the organization and its image initiate their joint evolution creating a two-component meta-system with a number of unique features.
Hence, a meta-system consisting of two opposite subsystems in the eyes of an inside observer will be an absolutely integral operating business entity for an outside observer (e.g. a customer).
The organization and its image meta-system are an autonomous manned system, that is, it does not require any managerial interventions to proceed with its operations.
Without external interference, the organization will run as a clock — in exactly the same state this 'clock' was left after the last maintenance by a 'watchmaker', while the virtual model will continue to update the data it contains.
Zipchain — ray of pairwise transactions
A zipchain is a fundamentally new technology for processing high-level business transactions, which has been implemented for the first time in dia$par.
This will last as long as market conditions allow this business to stay intact.
What if 'something went wrong'? What if some alterations to the business process logic are required?
Kaizen with dia$par, or BPM-system for adults
What does business process management look like.
Good looking charts aren't a goal in itself.
It's as easy as ABC.
The required changes are converted into a package of changes to cybernetic model business logic.
Using mutual mapping tools, these changes are applied to the original organization automatically.
In case of managing a large company, it is like a surgeon carrying out a difficult several-hour high-risk operation with an electrocauter on an accurate 3D digital model of the patient enabling any degree of magnification.
What does an enterprise digital twin look like?
The question is meaningless.
A basic model created with the dia$par package with a minimal number of details exists in a 242-dimensional space. The number of environmental dimensions for images of large complex organizations can exceed 500.
Furthermore, the results of surgical intervention into the model will be precisely and instantly applied to the patient's real body, as soon as the surgeon finishes the operation and hits the OK button.
Moreover, the 'Save' and 'Undo' commands are available.
A mutual mapping equivalent in Nature is the emergence of sexual reproduction billions of years ago: two opposite representatives of the same species (with their genitals being the inverted image of each other) give birth to a new being which inherits characteristics of its parents.
Contrary to asexual reproduction, when an amoeba reproduces its copies by binary fission.
An advantage provided by sexual reproduction is a thousand-time accelerated evolution and better adaptability to changing environment resulted from it.
It is because of this advantage that sexual reproduction absolutely dominates among large-size species.
Extremely fast evolution and unprecedented adaptability are the very features required to survive and develop in competitive markets.